Today 07-01-2019 []
10934 functions in this list ðº
PHP - Manual: 函数和方法列表
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z _ å
Today 07-01-2019 []
10934 functions in this list ðº
Today : 2018-04-13
10641 functions in this list !
Keep growing ;)
A new update regarding the number of entries in the list. We are currently at 11033 entries, in June 2019
In case anyone was wondering, the total function/method count in this list as of this date is exactly 9457
In case anybody wondering as of 21/04/2017 [dd/mm/yyyy] there are exactly 9957 Functions listed above.
Total number of php functions/methods listed above are 9634.
Today's date is 1/1/2016. (mm/dd/yy)
Here's a little script that scrapes all PHP function names from this page, and outputs a prefix-compressed Perl Compatible Regular Expression matching them. Useful for syntax highlighting.
$html = file_get_contents('');
preg_match_all('/<li><a href="function.[^>]*>([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)<\/a>/', $html, $matches);
$funcs = $matches[1];
print '\b(?:';
$prefixes = [''];
foreach($funcs as $i => $func) {
while(substr($func, 0, strlen($prefixes[0])) !== $prefixes[0]) {
print ")";
if ($i) print '|';
while(true) {
$common = $func;
for($j = $i+1; $j < count($funcs); $j++) {
$lookAhead = $funcs[$j];
$maxLen = min(strlen($lookAhead), strlen($func));
for($ch = 0; $ch < $maxLen; $ch++) {
if ($lookAhead[$ch] !== $func[$ch]) break;
$newCommon = substr($common, 0, $ch);
if (strlen($newCommon) < strlen($prefixes[0])+2) break;
$common = $newCommon;
if ($j < $i+4) break; // at least 4 functions with a common prefix of at least 2 chars
print substr($common, strlen($prefixes[0])) . "(?:";
array_unshift($prefixes, $common);
print substr($func, strlen($prefixes[0]));
print ')\b';