I use the following function instead of imap_8bit
when using PHP without the IMAP module,
which is based on code found in
and giving (supposedly) exactly the same results as imap_8bit,
(tested on thousands of random strings containing lots
of spaces, tabs, crlf, lfcr, lf, cr and so on,
no counterexample found SO FAR:)
AND you can force a trailing space to be encoded,
as opposed to what imap_8bit does,
which I consider is a violation of RFC2045,
(see http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=35290)
by commenting that one central line.
function quoted_printable_encode($sText,$bEmulate_imap_8bit=true) {
// split text into lines
for ($i=0;$i<count($aLines);$i++) {
$sLine =& $aLines[$i];
if (strlen($sLine)===0) continue; // do nothing, if empty
$sRegExp = '/[^\x09\x20\x21-\x3C\x3E-\x7E]/e';
// imap_8bit encodes x09 everywhere, not only at lineends,
// for EBCDIC safeness encode !"#$@[\]^`{|}~,
// for complete safeness encode every character :)
if ($bEmulate_imap_8bit)
$sRegExp = '/[^\x20\x21-\x3C\x3E-\x7E]/e';
$sReplmt = 'sprintf( "=%02X", ord ( "$0" ) ) ;';
$sLine = preg_replace( $sRegExp, $sReplmt, $sLine );
// encode x09,x20 at lineends
$iLength = strlen($sLine);
$iLastChar = ord($sLine{$iLength-1});
// !!!!!!!!
// imap_8_bit does not encode x20 at the very end of a text,
// here is, where I don't agree with imap_8_bit,
// please correct me, if I'm wrong,
// or comment next line for RFC2045 conformance, if you like
if (!($bEmulate_imap_8bit && ($i==count($aLines)-1)))
if (($iLastChar==0x09)||($iLastChar==0x20)) {
$sLine .= ($iLastChar==0x09)?'09':'20';
} // imap_8bit encodes x20 before chr(13), too
// although IMHO not requested by RFC2045, why not do it safer :)
// and why not encode any x20 around chr(10) or chr(13)
if ($bEmulate_imap_8bit) {
$sLine=str_replace(' =0D','=20=0D',$sLine);
//$sLine=str_replace(' =0A','=20=0A',$sLine);
//$sLine=str_replace('=0D ','=0D=20',$sLine);
//$sLine=str_replace('=0A ','=0A=20',$sLine);
// finally split into softlines no longer than 76 chars,
// for even more safeness one could encode x09,x20
// at the very first character of the line
// and after soft linebreaks, as well,
// but this wouldn't be caught by such an easy RegExp
preg_match_all( '/.{1,73}([^=]{0,2})?/', $sLine, $aMatch );
$sLine = implode( '=' . chr(13).chr(10), $aMatch[0] ); // add soft crlf's
// join lines into text
return implode(chr(13).chr(10),$aLines);