If you're going to use array_push() to insert a "$key" => "$value" pair into an array, it can be done using the following:
$data[$key] = $value;
It is not necessary to use array_push.
PHP - Manual: array_push
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
array_push — 将一个或多个单元压入数组的末尾(入栈)
array_push() 将
$array[] = $var;
注意: 如果用 array_push() 来给数组增加一个单元,还不如用
$array[] =
注意: 如果第一个参数不是数组,array_push() 将发出一条警告。这和
的行为不同,在 PHP 7.1.0 之前的版本中,后者将会新建一个数组。
要压入 array
版本 | 说明 |
7.3.0 | 可以只用一个参数来调用此函数,之前版本中至少需要两个参数。 |
示例 #1 array_push() 例子
$stack = array("orange", "banana");
array_push($stack, "apple", "raspberry");
Array ( [0] => orange [1] => banana [2] => apple [3] => raspberry )
If you're going to use array_push() to insert a "$key" => "$value" pair into an array, it can be done using the following:
$data[$key] = $value;
It is not necessary to use array_push.
I've done a small comparison between array_push() and the $array[] method and the $array[] seems to be a lot faster.
$array = array();
for ($x = 1; $x <= 100000; $x++)
$array[] = $x;
takes 0.0622200965881 seconds
$array = array();
for ($x = 1; $x <= 100000; $x++)
array_push($array, $x);
takes 1.63195490837 seconds
so if your not making use of the return value of array_push() its better to use the $array[] way.
Hope this helps someone.
Rodrigo de Aquino asserted that instead of using array_push to append to an associative array you can instead just do...
$data[$key] = $value;
...but this is actually not true. Unlike array_push and even...
$data[] = $value;
...Rodrigo's suggestion is NOT guaranteed to append the new element to the END of the array. For instance...
$data['one'] = 1;
$data['two'] = 2;
$data['three'] = 3;
$data['four'] = 4;
...might very well result in an array that looks like this...
[ "four" => 4, "one" => 1, "three" => 3, "two" => 2 ]
I can only assume that PHP sorts the array as elements are added to make it easier for it to find a specified element by its key later. In many cases it won't matter if the array is not stored internally in the same order you added the elements, but if, for instance, you execute a foreach on the array later, the elements may not be processed in the order you need them to be.
If you want to add elements to the END of an associative array you should use the unary array union operator (+=) instead...
$data['one'] = 1;
$data += [ "two" => 2 ];
$data += [ "three" => 3 ];
$data += [ "four" => 4 ];
You can also, of course, append more than one element at once...
$data['one'] = 1;
$data += [ "two" => 2, "three" => 3 ];
$data += [ "four" => 4 ];
Note that like array_push (but unlike $array[] =) the array must exist before the unary union, which means that if you are building an array in a loop you need to declare an empty array first...
$data = [];
for ( $i = 1; $i < 5; $i++ ) {
$data += [ "element$i" => $i ];
...which will result in an array that looks like this...
[ "element1" => 1, "element2" => 2, "element3" => 3, "element4" => 4 ]
If you're adding multiple values to an array in a loop, it's faster to use array_push than repeated [] = statements that I see all the time:
class timer
private $start;
private $end;
public function timer()
$this->start = microtime(true);
public function Finish()
$this->end = microtime(true);
private function GetStart()
if (isset($this->start))
return $this->start;
return false;
private function GetEnd()
if (isset($this->end))
return $this->end;
return false;
public function GetDiff()
return $this->GetEnd() - $this->GetStart();
public function Reset()
$this->start = microtime(true);
echo "Adding 100k elements to array with []\n\n";
$ta = array();
$test = new Timer();
for ($i = 0; $i < 100000; $i++)
$ta[] = $i;
echo $test->GetDiff();
echo "\n\nAdding 100k elements to array with array_push\n\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < 100000; $i++)
echo $test->GetDiff();
echo "\n\nAdding 100k elements to array with [] 10 per iteration\n\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++)
$ta[] = $i;
$ta[] = $i;
$ta[] = $i;
$ta[] = $i;
$ta[] = $i;
$ta[] = $i;
$ta[] = $i;
$ta[] = $i;
$ta[] = $i;
$ta[] = $i;
echo $test->GetDiff();
echo "\n\nAdding 100k elements to array with array_push 10 per iteration\n\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++)
echo $test->GetDiff();
$ php5 arraypush.php
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.5
Content-type: text/html
Adding 100k elements to array with []
Adding 100k elements to array with array_push
Adding 100k elements to array with [] 10 per iteration
Adding 100k elements to array with array_push 10 per iteration
Unfortunately array_push returns the new number of items in the array
It does not give you the key of the item you just added, in numeric arrays you could do -1, you do however need to be sure that no associative key exists as that would break the assumption
It would have been better if array_push would have returned the key of the item just added like the below function
(perhaps a native variant would be a good idea...)
function array_add(array &$array,$value /*[, $...]*/){
$values = func_get_args(); //get all values
$values[0]= &$array; //REFERENCE!
$org=key($array); //where are we?
end($array); // move to the last item
$key = key($array); //get the key of the last item
//was at eof, added something, move to it
return $key;
}elseif($org<(count($array)/2)){ //somewhere in the middle +/- is fine
while (key($array) !== $org) next($List);
while (key($array) !== $org) prev($List);
return $key;
echo "<pre>\n";
$pr = array('foo'=>'bar','bar'=>'foo');
echo "Taken array;";
echo "\npush 1 returns ".array_push($pr,1)."\n";
echo "------------------------------------\n";
$pr = array('foo'=>'bar','bar'=>'foo');
echo "\npush 2 returns ".array_push($pr,1,2)."\n";
echo "------------------------------------\n";
$pr = array('foo'=>'bar','bar'=>'foo');
echo "\n add 1 returns ".array_add($pr,2)."\n\n";
echo "------------------------------------\n";
$pr = array('foo'=>'bar','bar'=>'foo');
echo "\n add 2 returns ".array_add($pr,1,2)."\n\n";
echo "<pre/>\n\n";
Taken array;Array
[foo] => bar
[bar] => foo
push 1 returns 3
push 2 returns 4
add 1 returns 0
add 2 returns 1
This is how I add all the elements from one array to another:
$oneArray = ['d', 'e', 'f'];
$anotherArray = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
array_push($anotherArray, ...$oneArray);
//['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'];
There is problem with pushing references to array, introduced in PHP 5.4 - did someone decide it is not needed?
In PHP 5.3 this could be used:
$A=array(); array_push($A,1); $c=2; array_push($A,&$c); print_r($A); $c=3; print_r($A);
Outputs correctly:
Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 )
Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 3 )
Think of Reference as a pointer in other languages...
This function is needed for example to push parameters for MySql query:
$params=array(); array_push($params,&$field1); array_push($params,&$field2); array_unshift($params,'ss');
This code causes fatal error in PHP 5.4 and depending on server configuration it may not even be reported why...
A workarround to allow pushing references to array is this:
$A=array(); $A[]=1; $c=2; $A[]=&$c; print_r($A); $c=3; print_r($A);
$params=array(); $params[]=&$field1; $params[]=&$field2; array_unshift($params,'ss');
(in actual code, the fields are specified dynamically and iterated in for-loop...)
This seems working both on PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.6 ...
If you push an array onto the stack, PHP will add the whole array to the next element instead of adding the keys and values to the array. If this is not what you want, you're better off using array_merge() or traverse the array you're pushing on and add each element with $stack[$key] = $value.
$stack = array('a', 'b', 'c');
array_push($stack, array('d', 'e', 'f'));
The above will output this:
Array (
[0] => a
[1] => b
[2] => c
[3] => Array (
[0] => a
[1] => b
[2] => c
There is a mistake in the note by egingell at sisna dot com 12 years ago. The tow dimensional array will output "d,e,f", not "a,b,c".
$stack = array('a', 'b', 'c');
array_push($stack, array('d', 'e', 'f'));
The above will output this:
Array (
[0] => a
[1] => b
[2] => c
[3] => Array (
[0] => d
[1] => e
[2] => f
If the element to be pushed onto the end of array is an array you will receive the following error message:
Unknown Error, value: [8] Array to string conversion
I tried both: (and works, but with the warning message)
$aRol = array( $row[0], $row[1], $row[2] );
$aRoles[] = $aRol;
array_push( $aRoles, $aRol);
The correct way:
$cUnRol = implode("(",array( $row[0], $row[1], $row[2] ) );
array_push( $aRoles, $cUnRol );
If you want to preserve the keys in the array, use the following:
function array_pshift(&$array) {
$keys = array_keys($array);
$key = array_shift($keys);
$element = $array[$key];
return $element;
After using array_push you may wish to read the top (last) array element one or more times before using array_pop. To read the top array element efficiently, use the 'current' function.
if you need to push a multidimensional numeric array into another, array push will push the hole array into a key of the first array, for example, let's imagine you have two arrays:
$array1 = [
0 => [
"key1" => "value1",
"key2" => "value2"
$array2 = [
0 => [
"key1" => "value1",
"key2" => "value2"
$array1[] = $array2;
//after that array1 will look like this:
0 => [
"key1" => "value1",
"key2" => "value2"
1 => [
0 => [
"key1" => "value2",
"key2" => "value2"
// If you don't want that to happen here's a function to avoid that:
function array_push_indexes($array1, $array2){
$lastKey = array_key_last($array1);
for($i = 0; $i < count($array2); $i++){
$KeyPosition = 1 + $i;
$array1[$lastKey+$KeyPosition] = $array2[$i];
return $array1;
//Using the same example from before this function will return:
0 => [
"key1" => "value1",
"key2" => "value2"
1 => [
"key1" => "value1",
"key2" => "value2"
P.S: the array_key_last function it's for PHP >= 7.3.0 see more here https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-key-last.php
Need a real one-liner for adding an element onto a new array name?
$emp_list_bic = $emp_list + array(c=>"ANY CLIENT");
drewdeal: this turns out to be better and easier than array_push()
patelbhadresh: great!... so u discover new idea...
drewdeal: because you can't do: $emp_list_bic = array_push($emp_list, c=>"ANY CLIENT");
drewdeal: array_push returns a count and affects current array.. and does not support set keys!
drewdeal: yeah. My one-liner makes a new array as a derivative of the prior array
Be warned using $array "+=" array(1,2,3) or union operations (http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.array.php)
I think it worked in the past or i havent test it good enough. :-/
(once it worked, once [] was faster than array_push, the past :-D ):
php -r '$a = array(1,2); $a += array(3,4); print_r($a);'
Array (
[0] => 1
[1] => 2
php -r '$a = array(1,2); $b = array(3,4);$c = $a + $b; print_r($c);'
Array (
[0] => 1
[1] => 2
php -r '$a = array(1,2); $b = array(2=>3,3=>4);$c = $a + $b; print_r($c);'
Array (
[0] => 1
[1] => 2
[2] => 3
[3] => 4
elegant php array combinations algorithm
//by Shimon Dookin
function get_combinations(&$lists,&$result,$stack=array(),$pos=0)
foreach($list as $word)
$wordlists= array( array("shimon","doodkin") , array("php programmer","sql programmer","mql metatrader programmer") );
echo '<xmp>';
Further Modification on the array_push_associative function
1. removes seemingly useless array_unshift function that generates php warning
2. adds support for non-array arguments
// Append associative array elements
function array_push_associative(&$arr) {
$args = func_get_args();
foreach ($args as $arg) {
if (is_array($arg)) {
foreach ($arg as $key => $value) {
$arr[$key] = $value;
$arr[$arg] = "";
return $ret;
$items = array("here" => "now");
$moreitems = array("this" => "that");
$theArray = array("where" => "do we go", "here" => "we are today");
echo array_push_associative($theArray, $items, $moreitems, "five") . ' is the size of $theArray.<br />';
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
4 is the size of $theArray.
[where] => do we go
[here] => now
[this] => that
[five] =>
I did a performance check, and I saw, if you push more than one value it can be faster the array push, that the normal $array[] version.
Case 1: $array[] = something;
Case 2: array_push($array, $value);
Case 3: array_push($array, $value1, $value2, $value3 [...]); $values are definied
Case 4: array_push($array, $value1, $value2, $value3 [...]); $values are definied, when $array is not empty
Case 5: Case1 + Case 3
Case 6: Result array contains some value (Case 4)
Case 7: Result array contains same value as the push array (Case 4)
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Case 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Times: 0.0310 0.0300 0.0290 0.0340 0.0400 0.0440 0.0480 0.0550 0.0570 0.0570
Min: 0.0290
Max: 0.0570
Avg: 0.0425
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Case 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Times: 0.3890 0.3850 0.3770 0.4110 0.4020 0.3980 0.4020 0.4060 0.4130 0.4200
Min: 0.3770
Max: 0.4200
Avg: 0.4003
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Case 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Times: 0.0200 0.0220 0.0240 0.0340 0.0360 0.0410 0.0460 0.0500 0.0520 0.0520
Min: 0.0200
Max: 0.0520
Avg: 0.0377
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Case 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Times: 0.0200 0.0250 0.0230 0.0260 0.0330 0.0390 0.0460 0.0510 0.0520 0.0520
Min: 0.0200
Max: 0.0520
Avg: 0.0367
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Case 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Times: 0.0260 0.0250 0.0370 0.0360 0.0390 0.0440 0.0510 0.0520 0.0530 0.0560
Min: 0.0250
Max: 0.0560
Avg: 0.0419
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Case 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Times: 0.0340 0.0280 0.0370 0.0410 0.0450 0.0480 0.0560 0.0580 0.0580 0.0570
Min: 0.0280
Max: 0.0580
Avg: 0.0462
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Case 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Times: 0.0290 0.0270 0.0350 0.0410 0.0430 0.0470 0.0540 0.0540 0.0550 0.0550
Min: 0.0270
Max: 0.0550
Avg: 0.044
Tester code:
// Case 1
$startTime = microtime(true);
$array = array();
for ($x = 1; $x <= 100000; $x++)
$array[] = $x;
$endTime = microtime(true);
// Case 2
$startTime = microtime(true);
$array = array();
for ($x = 1; $x <= 100000; $x++)
array_push($array, $x);
$endTime = microtime(true);
// Case 3
$result = array();
$array2 = array(&$result)+$array;
$startTime = microtime(true);
call_user_func_array("array_push", $array2);
$endTime = microtime(true);
// Case 4
$result = array();
for ($x = 1; $x <= 100000; $x++)
$result[] = $x;
$array2 = array(&$result)+$array;
$startTime = microtime(true);
call_user_func_array("array_push", $array2);
$endTime = microtime(true);
// Case 5
$result = array();
$startTime = microtime(true);
$array = array(&$result);
for ($x = 1; $x <= 100000; $x++)
$array[] = $x;
$endTime = microtime(true);
// Case 6
$result = array(1,2,3,4,5,6);
$startTime = microtime(true);
$array = array(&$result);
for ($x = 1; $x <= 100000; $x++)
$array[] = $x;
$endTime = microtime(true);
// Case 7
$result = array();
for ($x = 1; $x <= 100000; $x++)
$result[] = $x;
$startTime = microtime(true);
$array = array(&$result);
for ($x = 1; $x <= 100000; $x++)
$array[] = $x;
$endTime = microtime(true);
Skylifter notes on 20-Jan-2004 that the [] empty bracket notation does not return the array count as array_push does. There's another difference between array_push and the recommended empty bracket notation.
Empy bracket doesn't check if a variable is an array first as array_push does. If array_push finds that a variable isn't an array it prints a Warning message if E_ALL error reporting is on.
So array_push is safer than [], until further this is changed by the PHP developers.
A function which mimics push() from perl, perl lets you push an array to an array: push(@array, @array2, @array3). This function mimics that behaviour.
function array_push_array(&$arr) {
$args = func_get_args();
if (!is_array($arr)) {
trigger_error(sprintf("%s: Cannot perform push on something that isn't an array!", __FUNCTION__), E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
foreach($args as $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
if (count($v) > 0) {
array_unshift($v, &$arr);
call_user_func_array('array_push', $v);
} else {
$arr[] = $v;
return count($arr);
$arr = array(0);
$arr2 = array(6,7,8);
printf("%s\n", array_push_array($arr, array(),array(1,2,3,4,5), $arr2));
# error..
$arr = "test";
printf("%s\n", array_push_array($arr, array(),array(1,2,3,4,5), $arr2));
Add elements to an array before or after a specific index or key:
* @return array
* @param array $src
* @param array $in
* @param int|string $pos
function array_push_before($src,$in,$pos){
if(is_int($pos)) $R=array_merge(array_slice($src,0,$pos), $in, array_slice($src,$pos));
foreach($src as $k=>$v){
}return $R;
* @return array
* @param array $src
* @param array $in
* @param int|string $pos
function array_push_after($src,$in,$pos){
if(is_int($pos)) $R=array_merge(array_slice($src,0,$pos+1), $in, array_slice($src,$pos+1));
foreach($src as $k=>$v){
}return $R;
// Examples:
/* array_push_before, no-key array
array(5) {
string(1) "A"
string(1) "X"
string(1) "Y"
string(1) "B"
string(1) "C"
/* array_push_after, no-key array
array(5) {
string(1) "A"
string(1) "B"
string(1) "X"
string(1) "Y"
string(1) "C"
/* array_push_before, key array, before index insert
array(5) {
string(1) "A"
string(1) "X"
string(1) "Y"
string(1) "B"
string(1) "C"
/* array_push_before, key array, before key insert
array(5) {
string(1) "A"
string(1) "X"
string(1) "Y"
string(1) "B"
string(1) "C"
/* array_push_after, key array, after index insert
array(5) {
string(1) "A"
string(1) "B"
string(1) "X"
string(1) "Y"
string(1) "C"
/* array_push_after, key array, after key insert
array(5) {
string(1) "A"
string(1) "B"
string(1) "X"
string(1) "Y"
string(1) "C"
only variables could be passed by reference:
$arr = [1,2,3];
array_push(['a','b'],$arr) ; // error
array_push($arr,[1,2,3]) ; // correct
This will work to solve the associative array issues:
$aValues[$key] = $value;
Where $key is a unique identifier and $value is the value to be stored. Since the $key works off a string or number, if you already have a $key with the same value as an existing $key, the element will be overwritten.
$aValues["one"] = "value of one";
$aValues["two"] = "different value of two!";
array([one] => "value of one", [two] => "value of two");
but will be overwritten when using the same key (one):
$aValues["one"] = "value of one";
$aValues["one"] = "different value of two!";
will give:
array([one] => "different value of two!");
A very good function to remove a element from array
function array_del($str,&$array)
if (in_array($str,$array)==true)
foreach ($array as $key=>$value)
if ($value==$str) unset($array[$key]);
If you want to put an element to a specific position in an array, try this function.
function array_put_to_position(&$array, $object, $position, $name = null)
$count = 0;
$return = array();
foreach ($array as $k => $v)
// insert new object
if ($count == $position)
if (!$name) $name = $count;
$return[$name] = $object;
$inserted = true;
// insert old object
$return[$k] = $v;
if (!$name) $name = $count;
if (!$inserted) $return[$name];
$array = $return;
return $array;
Example :
$a = array(
'a' => 'A',
'b' => 'B',
'c' => 'C',
array_put_to_position($a, 'G', 2, 'g');
[a] => A
[b] => B
[c] => C
[a] => A
[b] => B
[g] => G
[c] => C
A small and basic implementation of a stack without using an array.
class node
var $elem;
var $next;
class stack
var $next;
function pop()
return $aux;
function push($obj)
$nod=new node;
function stack()
A variation of kamprettos' associative array push:
// append associative array elements
function associative_push($arr, $tmp) {
if (is_array($tmp)) {
foreach ($tmp as $key => $value) {
$arr[$key] = $value;
return $arr;
return false;
$theArray = array();
$theArray = associative_push($theArray, $items);
As someone pointed out the array_push() function returns the count of the array not the key of the new element. As it was the latter function i required i wrote this very simple replacement.
function array_push2(&$array,$object,$key=null){
$keys = array_keys($array);
$newkey = ($key==null)?$keys[0]+1:$key;
$array[$newkey] = $object;
return $newkey;
To insert a value into a non-associative array, I find this simple function does the trick:
function insert_in_array_pos($array, $pos, $value)
$result = array_merge(array_slice($array, 0 , $pos), array($value), array_slice($array, $pos));
return $result;
Seems an awful lot simpler than the iterative solutions given above...
I found a simple way to have an "array_push_array" function, without the references problem when we want to use call_user_func_array(), hope this help :
function array_push_array(array &$array)
$numArgs = func_num_args();
if(2 > $numArgs)
trigger_error(sprintf('%s: expects at least 2 parameters, %s given', __FUNCTION__, $numArgs), E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
$values = func_get_args();
foreach($values as $v)
if(count($v) > 0)
foreach($v as $w)
$array[] = $w;
$array[] = $v;
return count($array);
This function "Returns the new number of elements in the array."
To find out the last index, use:
$count = array_push($array, $value);
$last_index = array_pop(array_keys($array));
Looking for a way to push data into an associative array and frustrated to know that array_push() can't do the job ?
here's my Scenario :
I need to relate system command output into an associative array like these :
[sge@digital_db work]$ /usr/local/apache/htdocs/work/qhost.sh -h t1 -F | awk '{if(NR>4) print $1}' | sed 's/hl://g'
how I did it :
<? php
# get into the system command output
$assoc_cmd =`$work_dir/qhost.sh -h $host_resource -F | awk '{if(NR>4) print $1}'| sed 's/hl://g' ` ;
# split the "\n" character
$assoc_row = explode("\n", chop($assoc_cmd));
# get the index row
$idx_row = count($assoc_row) - 1 ;
# initialize the associative array
$host_res_array = array();
for ($i = 0 ; $i<= $idx_row ; $i++)
# get params & values
list($host_param,$host_val) = explode("=",$assoc_row[$i]);
# populate / push data to assoc array
$host_res_array[$host_param]= $host_val ;
echo "<pre> Architecture : </pre>\n" ;
echo $host_res_array['arch'] ;
echo "<pre> Mem Total : </pre>\n" ;
echo $host_res_array['mem_tot'];
Hope this helps ! :)
A common operation when pushing a value onto a stack is to address the value at the top of the stack.
This can be done easily using the 'end' function:
Note: See the 'end' function for details about its side effect on the seldom used internal array pointer.
Array_push also works fine with multidimensional arrays. Just make sure the element is defined as an array first.
$array["element"][$element]["element"] = array();
array_push ($array["element"][$element]["element"], "banana");
When developing a pocketmine plugin, a good way to add stuff to a YAML table is
array_push($table, "New Value for table");
$this->config->set("Table", $table);
regarding the speed of oneill's solution to insert a value into a non-associative array, I've done some tests and I found that it behaves well if you have a small array and more insertions, but for a huge array and a little insersions I sugest using this function:
function array_insert( &$array, $index, $value ) {
$cnt = count($array);
for( $i = $cnt-1; $i >= $index; --$i ) {
$array[ $i + 1 ] = $array[ $i ];
$array[$index] = $value;
or if you are a speed adicted programmer (same situation: big array, few insertions) use this:
array_splice ( $array, $offset, 0, $item );
item may also be an array of values ;).