Warning: Do not use this function.
Use gmp_random_bits() or gmp_random_range() instead.
The documentation and the code for this function do NOT match, and in any case this function is quite useless.
PHP - Manual: gmp_random
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
gmp_random — Random number
本函数已自 PHP 7.2.0 起被废弃,并自 PHP 8.0.0 起被移除。 强烈建议不要依赖本函数。
Generate a random number. The number will be between 0 and (2 ** n) - 1,
where n is the number of bits per limb multiplied by limiter
If limiter
is negative, negative numbers are generated.
A limb is an internal GMP mechanism. The number of bits in a limb is not static, and can vary from system to system. Generally, the number of bits in a limb is either 32 or 64, but this is not guaranteed.
如果需要加密安全随机,则可以将 Random\Engine\Secure 引擎用于 Random\Randomizer。对于简单的用例,random_int() 和 random_bytes() 函数提供了操作系统的 CSPRNG 支持的方便且安全的 API。
The limiter.
GMP 对象、int 或 string,可以按照跟在 gmp_init() 中使用字符串并自动检测 base(即当 base 等于 0 时)相同的逻辑将其解释为数字。
A random GMP number.
示例 #1 gmp_random() example
$rand1 = gmp_random(1); // random number from 0 to 1 * bits per limb
$rand2 = gmp_random(2); // random number from 0 to 2 * bits per limb
echo gmp_strval($rand1) . "\n";
echo gmp_strval($rand2) . "\n";
1915834968 8642564075890328087
Warning: Do not use this function.
Use gmp_random_bits() or gmp_random_range() instead.
The documentation and the code for this function do NOT match, and in any case this function is quite useless.