For those interested in wrapping text to fit a width in *pixels* (instead of characters), you might find the following function useful; particularly for line-wrapping text over dynamically-generated images.
If a word is too long to squeeze into the available space, it'll hyphenate it as needed so it fits the container. This operates recursively, so ridiculously long words or names (e.g., URLs or this guy's signature -,_Senior) will still keep getting broken off after they've passed the fourth or fifth lines, or whatever.
* Wraps a string to a given number of pixels.
* This function operates in a similar fashion as PHP's native wordwrap function; however,
* it calculates wrapping based on font and point-size, rather than character count. This
* can generate more even wrapping for sentences with a consider number of thin characters.
* @static $mult;
* @param string $text - Input string.
* @param float $width - Width, in pixels, of the text's wrapping area.
* @param float $size - Size of the font, expressed in pixels.
* @param string $font - Path to the typeface to measure the text with.
* @return string The original string with line-breaks manually inserted at detected wrapping points.
function pixel_word_wrap($text, $width, $size, $font){
# Passed a blank value? Bail early.
if(!$text) return $text;
# Check if imagettfbbox is expecting font-size to be declared in points or pixels.
static $mult;
$mult = $mult ?: version_compare(GD_VERSION, '2.0', '>=') ? .75 : 1;
# Text already fits the designated space without wrapping.
$box = imagettfbbox($size * $mult, 0, $font, $text);
if($box[2] - $box[0] / $mult < $width) return $text;
# Start measuring each line of our input and inject line-breaks when overflow's detected.
$output = '';
$length = 0;
$words = preg_split('/\b(?=\S)|(?=\s)/', $text);
$word_count = count($words);
for($i = 0; $i < $word_count; ++$i){
# Newline
if(PHP_EOL === $words[$i])
$length = 0;
# Strip any leading tabs.
if(!$length) $words[$i] = preg_replace('/^\t+/', '', $words[$i]);
$box = imagettfbbox($size * $mult, 0, $font, $words[$i]);
$m = $box[2] - $box[0] / $mult;
# This is one honkin' long word, so try to hyphenate it.
if(($diff = $width - $m) <= 0){
$diff = abs($diff);
# Figure out which end of the word to start measuring from. Saves a few extra cycles in an already heavy-duty function.
if($diff - $width <= 0) for($s = strlen($words[$i]); $s; --$s){
$box = imagettfbbox($size * $mult, 0, $font, substr($words[$i], 0, $s) . '-');
if($width > ($box[2] - $box[0] / $mult) + $size){
$breakpoint = $s;
$word_length = strlen($words[$i]);
for($s = 0; $s < $word_length; ++$s){
$box = imagettfbbox($size * $mult, 0, $font, substr($words[$i], 0, $s+1) . '-');
if($width < ($box[2] - $box[0] / $mult) + $size){
$breakpoint = $s;
$w_l = substr($words[$i], 0, $s+1) . '-';
$w_r = substr($words[$i], $s+1);
$words[$i] = $w_l;
array_splice($words, $i+1, 0, $w_r);
$box = imagettfbbox($size * $mult, 0, $font, $w_l);
$m = $box[2] - $box[0] / $mult;
# If there's no more room on the current line to fit the next word, start a new line.
if($length > 0 && $length + $m >= $width){
$output .= PHP_EOL;
$length = 0;
# If the current word is just a space, don't bother. Skip (saves a weird-looking gap in the text).
if(' ' === $words[$i]) continue;
# Write another word and increase the total length of the current line.
$output .= $words[$i];
$length += $m;
return $output;