using streams to use the ever useful fgetcsv() on a variable where explode() would not work (and would otherwise require regex(though that may be easier;)))
$explode_this="yak, llama, 'big llama', 'wobmat, with a comma in it', bandycoot";
class csvstream{
var $position;
var $varname;
function stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path){
$url = parse_url($path);
$this->varname = $url['host'] ;
$this->position = 0;
return true;
function stream_read($count){
$ret = substr($GLOBALS[$this->varname], $this->position, $count);
$this->position += strlen($ret);
return $ret;
function stream_eof(){
return $this->position >= strlen($GLOBALS[$this->varname]);
function stream_tell(){
return $this->position;
stream_wrapper_register("csvstr", "csvstream") ;
$str="yak, llama, 'big llama', 'wobmat, with a comma in it', bandycoot";
$fp = fopen("csvstr://str", "r+");