here is an elegant recursive solution
function gcd($a,$b) {
return ($a % $b) ? gcd($b,$a % $b) : $b;
PHP - Manual: gmp_gcd
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
gmp_gcd — Calculate GCD
Calculate greatest common divisor of num1
. The result is always positive even if
either of, or both, input operands are negative.
GMP 对象、int 或 string,可以按照跟在 gmp_init() 中使用字符串并自动检测 base(即当 base 等于 0 时)相同的逻辑将其解释为数字。
GMP 对象、int 或 string,可以按照跟在 gmp_init() 中使用字符串并自动检测 base(即当 base 等于 0 时)相同的逻辑将其解释为数字。
A positive GMP number that divides into both
and num2
示例 #1 gmp_gcd() example
$gcd = gmp_gcd("12", "21");
echo gmp_strval($gcd) . "\n";
here is an elegant recursive solution
function gcd($a,$b) {
return ($a % $b) ? gcd($b,$a % $b) : $b;
The previous function returns just 1 under php 5.2.4 but the following seems to work (m>0,n>0):
function gcd($m,$n)
return abs($_n);
The following function is more accurate:
function GCD($num1, $num2) {
/* finds the greatest common factor between two numbers */
while ($num2 != 0){
$t = $num1 % $num2;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $t;
return $num1;
Here's my solution for getting the GCD of several numbers.
* function gcd()
* returns greatest common divisor
* between two numbers
* tested against gmp_gcd()
function gcd($a, $b)
if ($a == 0 || $b == 0)
return abs( max(abs($a), abs($b)) );
$r = $a % $b;
return ($r != 0) ?
gcd($b, $r) :
* function gcd_array()
* gets greatest common divisor among
* an array of numbers
function gcd_array($array, $a = 0)
$b = array_pop($array);
return ($b === null) ?
(int)$a :
gcd_array($array, gcd($a, $b));
I wanted this functionality without having to install the extension.
So here's a script I wrote to find out the greatest common denominator:
// Our fraction, 3/12, could be written better
$numerator = 3;
$denominator = 12;
* @param int $num
* @return array The common factors of $num
function getFactors($num)
$factors = [];
// get factors of the numerator
for ($x = 1; $x <= $num; $x ++) {
if ($num % $x == 0) {
$factors[] = $x;
return $factors;
* @param int $x
* @param int $y
function getGreatestCommonDenominator($x, $y)
// first get the common denominators of both numerator and denominator
$factorsX = getFactors($x);
$factorsY = getFactors($y);
// common denominators will be in both arrays, so get the intersect
$commonDenominators = array_intersect($factorsX, $factorsY);
// greatest common denominator is the highest number (last in the array)
$gcd = array_pop($commonDenominators);
return $gcd;
// divide the numerator and denomiator by the gcd to get our refactored fraction
$gcd = getGreatestCommonDenominator($numerator, $denominator);
echo ($numerator / $gcd) .'/'. ($denominator / $gcd); // we can use divide (/) because we know result is an int :-)
Which you can see running here
If you do not consier a or b as possible negative numbers, a GCD funktion may return a negative GCD, wich is NOT a greatest common divisor, therefore a funktion like this may be better. This considers the simplyfying of (-3)-(-6) where gcd on -3 and -6 would result in 3, not -3 as with the other function. (-3)-(-6) is (-1)-(-2) NOT (1)-(2)
function eGCD($a,$b){
if($a < 0) $a=0-$a;
if($b < 0 ) $b=0-$b;
if($a == 0 || $b == 0) return 1;
if($a == $b) return a;
$rest=(int) $a % $b; $a=$b; $b=$rest;
}while($rest >0);
return $a;
No need to compile gmp functions in just for the GCD function... use this one instead:
function GCD($num1, $num2) {
/* finds the greatest common factor between two numbers */
if ($num1 < $num2) {
$t = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $t;
while ($t = ($num1 % $num2) != 0) {
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $t;
return $num2;
function gcd($a,$b)
return $b ? gcd($b, $a%$b) : $a;
This is pretty fast and short, also easy to remember. If $b is zero, return a, otherwise swap and mod.