The first Parameter of the constructor, the faultcode, of SoapFault must be a string. Otherwise it will lead to an error.
throw new SoapFault(1, "Error message!"); // wrong
throw new SoapFault("1", "Error message!"); // right
PHP - Manual: SoapFault::__construct
(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
SoapFault::__construct — SoapFault constructor
= null
= null
= null
= null
This class is used to send SOAP fault responses from the PHP handler.
, faultstring
and detail
standard elements of a SOAP Fault.
The error code of the SoapFault.
The error message of the SoapFault.
A string identifying the actor that caused the error.
More details about the cause of the error.
Can be used to select the proper fault encoding from WSDL.
Can be used during SOAP header handling to report an error in the response header.
示例 #1 Some examples
function test($x)
return new SoapFault("Server", "Some error message");
$server = new SoapServer(null, array('uri' => "http://test-uri/"));
It is possible to use PHP exception mechanism to throw SOAP Fault.
示例 #2 Some examples
function test($x)
throw new SoapFault("Server", "Some error message");
$server = new SoapServer(null, array('uri' => "http://test-uri/"));
The first Parameter of the constructor, the faultcode, of SoapFault must be a string. Otherwise it will lead to an error.
throw new SoapFault(1, "Error message!"); // wrong
throw new SoapFault("1", "Error message!"); // right