Important note: This will only detect whether a transaction has been started using beginTransaction(). It will not be able to detect transactions started by any other means, for example by executing "START TRANSACTION".
PHP - Manual: PDO::inTransaction
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.3, Bundled pdo_pgsql, PHP 7, PHP 8)
PDO::inTransaction — 检查是否在一个事务内
如果当前事务处于激活,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
Important note: This will only detect whether a transaction has been started using beginTransaction(). It will not be able to detect transactions started by any other means, for example by executing "START TRANSACTION".
In addition to what jlh says,
even with SQLite3 which automatically starts transaction,
inTransaction() only works after beginTransaction().
$pdo = new PDO('sqlite:test.sql3', null, null, [PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION]);
var_dump($pdo->inTransaction());echo "<br>"; // bool(false) : before beginTransaction()
var_dump($pdo->inTransaction());echo "<br>"; // bool(true) : after beginTransaction()
var_dump($pdo->inTransaction());echo "<br>"; // bool(false) : after commit() or rollBack()
}catch (PDOException $e){
echo 'PDOException: ' . $e->getMessage();
}catch (Exception | ErrorException $e){