PHP - Manual: IntlGregorianCalendar::createFromDate
(PHP 8 >= 8.3.0)
IntlGregorianCalendar::createFromDate — Create a new IntlGregorianCalendar instance from date
Creates a new IntlGregorianCalendar instance from date.
The new value for IntlGregorianCalendar::FIELD_YEAR
The new value for IntlGregorianCalendar::FIELD_MONTH
The month sequence is zero-based, i.e., January is represented by 0,
February by 1, …, December is 11 and Undecember (if the calendar has
it) is 12.
The new value for IntlGregorianCalendar::FIELD_DAY_OF_MONTH
Returns a new IntlGregorianCalendar instance.
示例 #1 IntlGregorianCalendar::createFromDate() example
$intlCalendar = IntlGregorianCalendar::createFromDate(2023, 11, 23);
object(IntlGregorianCalendar)#1 (5) { ["valid"]=> bool(true) ["type"]=> string(9) "gregorian" ["timeZone"]=> array(4) { ["valid"]=> bool(true) ["id"]=> string(16) "Europe/Amsterdam" ["rawOffset"]=> int(3600000) ["currentOffset"]=> int(3600000) } ["locale"]=> string(11) "en_US_POSIX" ["fields"]=> array(23) { ["era"]=> int(1) ["year"]=> int(2023) ["month"]=> int(11) ["week of year"]=> int(51) ["week of month"]=> int(4) ["day of year"]=> int(357) ["day of month"]=> int(23) ["day of week"]=> int(7) ["day of week in month"]=> int(4) ["AM/PM"]=> int(0) ["hour"]=> int(0) ["hour of day"]=> int(0) ["minute"]=> int(0) ["second"]=> int(0) ["millisecond"]=> int(0) ["zone offset"]=> int(3600000) ["DST offset"]=> int(0) ["year for week of year"]=> int(2023) ["localized day of week"]=> int(7) ["extended year"]=> int(2023) ["julian day"]=> int(2460302) ["milliseconds in day"]=> int(0) ["is leap month"]=> int(0) } }