is_subclass_of() works also with classes between the class of obj and the superclass.
class A {};
class B extends A {};
class C extends B {};
$foo=new C();
echo ((is_subclass_of($foo,'A')) ? 'true' : 'false');
echoes 'true' .
PHP - Manual: is_subclass_of
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
is_subclass_of — 如果此对象是该类的子类,则返回 true
, string $class_name
): bool
如果对象 object
所属类是类 class_name
的子类,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
自 PHP 5.0.3 起也可以用一个字符串来指定
示例 #1 is_subclass_of() 例子
// define a class
class WidgetFactory
var $oink = 'moo';
// define a child class
class WidgetFactory_Child extends WidgetFactory
var $oink = 'oink';
// create a new object
$WF = new WidgetFactory();
$WFC = new WidgetFactory_Child();
if (is_subclass_of($WFC, 'WidgetFactory')) {
echo "yes, \$WFC is a subclass of WidgetFactory\n";
} else {
echo "no, \$WFC is not a subclass of WidgetFactory\n";
if (is_subclass_of($WF, 'WidgetFactory')) {
echo "yes, \$WF is a subclass of WidgetFactory\n";
} else {
echo "no, \$WF is not a subclass of WidgetFactory\n";
// usable only since PHP 5.0.3
if (is_subclass_of('WidgetFactory_Child', 'WidgetFactory')) {
echo "yes, WidgetFactory_Child is a subclass of WidgetFactory\n";
} else {
echo "no, WidgetFactory_Child is not a subclass of WidgetFactory\n";
yes, $WFC is a subclass of WidgetFactory no, $WF is not a subclass of WidgetFactory yes, WidgetFactory_Child is a subclass of WidgetFactory
参见 get_class()、 get_parent_class() 和 is_a()。
A class name or an object instance
The class name
If this parameter set to false, string class name as object
is not allowed. This also prevents from calling autoloader if the class doesn't exist.
This function returns true
if the object object
belongs to a class which is a subclass of
, false
示例 #2 is_subclass_of() example
// define a class
class WidgetFactory
var $oink = 'moo';
// define a child class
class WidgetFactory_Child extends WidgetFactory
var $oink = 'oink';
// create a new object
$WF = new WidgetFactory();
$WFC = new WidgetFactory_Child();
if (is_subclass_of($WFC, 'WidgetFactory')) {
echo "yes, $WFC is a subclass of WidgetFactory\n";
} else {
echo "no, $WFC is not a subclass of WidgetFactory\n";
if (is_subclass_of($WF, 'WidgetFactory')) {
echo "yes, $WF is a subclass of WidgetFactory\n";
} else {
echo "no, $WF is not a subclass of WidgetFactory\n";
// usable only since PHP 5.0.3
if (is_subclass_of('WidgetFactory_Child', 'WidgetFactory')) {
echo "yes, WidgetFactory_Child is a subclass of WidgetFactory\n";
} else {
echo "no, WidgetFactory_Child is not a subclass of WidgetFactory\n";
yes, $WFC is a subclass of WidgetFactory no, $WF is not a subclass of WidgetFactory yes, WidgetFactory_Child is a subclass of WidgetFactory
如果此类不是已知类,使用此函数会使用任何已注册的 autoloader。
is_subclass_of() works also with classes between the class of obj and the superclass.
class A {};
class B extends A {};
class C extends B {};
$foo=new C();
echo ((is_subclass_of($foo,'A')) ? 'true' : 'false');
echoes 'true' .
This might be useful to someone, so:
If you're using Autoload, you should be aware that this will attempt to autoload $classname if it isn't already loaded. I discovered this when I had something using is_subclass_of inside an error thrown by autoload, which then recursed until it ran out of memory.
The $allow_string parameter is not very clearly documented. When true, it simply allows the first parameter to be the name of a class, instead of an object whose class we are interested in.
Some usage examples:
class parent_class {
// objects and methods ...
$possible_child_object = new possible_child_class(); // might be an extension of parent_class
$result = is_subclass_of($possible_child_object, 'parent_class'); // valid
$result = is_subclass_of($possible_child_object, 'parent_class', false); // valid
$result = is_subclass_of('possible_child_class', 'parent_class', true); // valid
$result = is_subclass_of('possible_child_class', 'parent_class', false); // not valid
If you need something similar to is_subclass_of() to determine if a class implements an interface before instantiating it, use reflection:
interface A_Interface {}
class A implements A_Interface {}
$reflectionA = new ReflectionClass('A');
It would appear that is_subclass_of is case insensitive unlike get_class in php5.
class fooBar {}
class bar extends fooBar {}
assert(get_class(new fooBar()) == "fooBar");
assert(is_subclass_of(new bar(), "foobar") == true);
i run across this while migrating some code from php4 to php5 and the code would only half-the-time break.
interface I {
class A implements I {
class B extends A {
if (is_subclass_of('A', 'I')) {
echo 'good<br>';
else {
echo 'bad<br>';
if (is_subclass_of('B', 'I')) {
echo 'good<br>';
else {
echo 'bad<br>';
if (is_subclass_of('B', 'A')) {
echo 'good<br>';
else {
echo 'bad<br>';
bad <- you must to describe intermediate class B to be good
For PHP4:
/** Returns whether specified class is subclass of the other class. */
function is_subclass($sClass, $sExpectedParentClass){
do if( $sExpectedParentClass === $sClass ) return true;
while( false != ($sClass = get_parent_class($sClass)) );
return false;
// Test:
class A {} class B extends A {} class C extends B {} echo (int) is_subclass('C', 'A');