PHP - Manual: Random\Engine\Mt19937::__construct
(PHP 8 >= 8.2.0)
Random\Engine\Mt19937::__construct — Constructs a new Mt19937 engine
由于 Mt19937(“梅森旋转算法”)引擎仅接受 32 位整数作为种子,因此尽管 Mt19937 的范围为 219937-1,但可能的随机序列数量仅限于 232(即 4,294,967,296)。
当依赖隐式或显式随机播种时,重复会出现得更早。根据生日问题,在少于 80,000 个随机生成的种子后,预计重复种子的概率为 50%。在随机生成大约 30,000 个种子后,重复种子的概率为 10%。
This makes Mt19937 unsuitable for applications where duplicated sequences must not happen with more than a negligible probability. 如果需要可重复的种子,Random\Engine\Xoshiro256StarStar 和 Random\Engine\PcgOneseq128XslRr64 引擎都支持更大的种子,它们不太可能随机碰撞。如果不需要再现性,Random\Engine\Secure 引擎提供加密安全随机性。
Fills the state with values generated with a linear congruential generator
that was seeded with seed
interpreted as an unsigned
32 bit integer.
If seed
is omitted or null
, a random unsigned
32 bit integer will be used.
Use one of the following constants to specify the implementation of the algorithm to use.
The correct Mt19937 implementation.
An incorrect implementation for backwards compatibility with mt_srand() prior to
PHP 7.1.0.
本特性已自 PHP 8.3.0 起废弃。强烈建议不要使用本特性。
示例 #1 Random\Engine\Mt19937::__construct() example
// Uses a random 32 Bit seed.
$e = new \Random\Engine\Mt19937();
$r = new \Random\Randomizer($e);