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PHP - Manual: 安装



pthreads 扩展由 PECL 主持,使用 » github 管理源代码。 使用标准的 PECL 包安装方式就可以完成安装:» https://pecl.php.net/package/pthreads

Windows 用户可以从 » PECL 下载已经构建的二进制发行包。


Windows 用户需要将 pthreadVC2.dll (包含在 Windows 版二进制发行包中)所在路径加入到 PATH 环境变量中。


用户贡献的备注 10 notes

zahid dot smz at gmail dot com
10 years ago
For Wampp (Windows)
1. Find out what is your 'PHP Extension Build' version by using phpinfo(). You can use this - http://localhost/?phpinfo=1

2. Download the pthreads that matches your php version (32 bit or 64 bit) and php extension build (currently used VC11). Use this link for download - http://windows.php.net/downloads/pecl/releases/pthreads/

3. Extract the zip -
Move php_pthreads.dll to the 'bin\php\ext\' directory.
Move pthreadVC2.dll to the 'bin\php\' directory.
Move pthreadVC2.dll to the 'bin\apache\bin' directory.
Move pthreadVC2.dll to the 'C:\windows\system32' directory.

4. Open php\php.ini and add

Now restart server and you are done. Thanks.
Michel Phillipe Luca
10 years ago
Here is how I got it working under Linux Ubuntu distro - WITHOUT USE PECL:

We will download both, PHP and Pthread without PECL

1 - Get PHP version
For this example we will use version: 5.4.36

# wget http://www.php.net/distributions/php-5.4.36.tar.gz

2- Get Pthreads version:
I'm using an old version but, you could take any one

# wget http://pecl.php.net/get/pthreads-1.0.0.tgz

Extract both, php and pthreads versions

#tar zxvf php-5.4.36.tar.gz
#tar zxvf pthreads-1.0.0.tgz

3- Move Pthreads to php/ext folder. Inside version of PHP downloaded at item 1.

4- Reconfigure sources
# ./buildconf --force
# ./configure --help | grep pthreads

You have to see --enable-pthreads listed. If do not, clear the buidls with this commands:

# rm -rf aclocal.m4
# rm -rf autom4te.cache/
# ./buildconf --force

5 - Inside php folder run configure command to set what we need:
# ./configure --enable-debug --enable-maintainer-zts --enable-pthreads --prefix=/usr --with-config-file-path=/etc

6 - Install PHP
We will run make clear just to be sure that no other crashed build will mess our new one.

# make clear
# make
# make install

7 - Copy configuration file of PHP and add local lib to include path
# cp php.ini-development /etc/php.ini

Edit php.ini and set Include_path to be like this:

Include_path = “/usr/local/lib/php”

9 - Check Modules
# php -m (check pthread loaded)

You have to see pthreads listed

10 - If pthread is not listed, update php.ini
# echo "extension=pthreads.so" >> /etc/php.ini
Jimmy Christensen
11 years ago
On Windows the installation is as follows:

Download the pthreads that matches your php version.
I found mine at: http://windows.php.net/downloads/pecl/releases/pthreads/
(I used version 0.44 wich is the newest at the time of writing this, and then downloaded the one for php 5.3 which is the version I am using).

Extract the zip.
Move php_pthreads.dll to the php\ext\ directory.
Move pthreadVC2.dll to the php\ directory.

Open php\php.ini and add

You are done.
Pedro Proenca
10 years ago
I haven't found any proper instructions on how to install pthreads in linux, so I'll leave the steps I followed:

# Required libraries
sudo apt-get install gcc make libzzip-dev libreadline-dev libxml2-dev \
libssl-dev libmcrypt-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev lib32bz2-dev

# Download PHP
cd /usr/local/src

wget http://www.php.net/distributions/php-<version>.tar.gz
( e.g. wget http://www.php.net/distributions/php-5.5.8.tar.gz )

# Extract
tar zxvf php-<version>.tar.gz
(e.g. tar zxvf php-5.5.8.tar.gz )

# Configure
cd /usr/local/src/php-<version>
( e.g. cd /usr/local/src/php-5.5.8 )

./configure --prefix=/usr --with-config-file-path=/etc --enable-maintainer-zts

# Compile
make && make install
( make -j3 && make -j3 install) -> Faster building

# Copy configuration
cp php.ini-development /etc/php.ini

# Install pthreads
pecl install pthreads
echo "extension=pthreads.so" >> /etc/php.ini

# Check installation
php -m | grep pthreads
bens at effortlessis dot com
4 years ago
Sadly, this extension seems to be in poor repair. After spending a few hours trying to get it to fly on Fedora 32 with PHP 7.4, I noticed that it's not really maintained since about 2016.

Attempting to compile it with PHP 7.4 results in screens full of nasty compile errors.
matias dot zumbo at gmail dot com
11 years ago

1) Download PHP sources and Unpack PHP

2) Download PEAR
wget http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar
php go-pear.phar

3) Download pthreads
Get PECL extension (PECL is a repository for PHP Extensions)

# pecl install pthread-0.4.4

4) Unpack pthreads
copy pthread-0.4.4 to php/ext
(for ./configure allow add option --enable-pthreads)

# mv build/php-src-master/ext/pthreads-master build/php-src-master/ext/pthreads

5) Reconfigure sources
# ./buildconf --force
# ./configure --help | grep pthreads

You should see the appropriate --enable-pthreads option listed as a result, if you do not, then

# rm -rf aclocal.m4
# rm -rf autom4te.cache/
# ./buildconf --force

6) Build PHP
Compile PHP source code
# ./configure --enable-debug --enable-maintainer-zts --enable-pthreads

7) Installing PHP
# make
# sudo make install

8) Update php.ini
Add in php.ini
Include_path = “/usr/local/lib/php”

9) Check Modules
php -m (check pthread loaded)

10) Test Thread Class
# php SimpleTest.php
pedro dot proenca at shapedfor dot me
10 years ago
I haven't found any proper instructions on how to install pthreads in linux, so I'll leave the steps I followed:

# Required libraries
sudo apt-get install gcc make libzzip-dev libreadline-dev libxml2-dev \
libssl-dev libmcrypt-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev lib32bz2-dev

# Download PHP
cd /usr/local/src

wget http://www.php.net/distributions/php-<version>.tar.gz
( e.g. wget http://www.php.net/distributions/php-5.5.8.tar.gz )

# Extract
tar zxvf php-<version>.tar.gz
(e.g. tar zxvf php-5.5.8.tar.gz )

# Configure
cd /usr/local/src/php-<version>
( e.g. cd /usr/local/src/php-5.5.8 )

./configure --prefix=/usr --with-config-file-path=/etc --enable-maintainer-zts

# Compile
make && make install
( make -j3 && make -j3 install) -> Faster building

# Copy configuration
cp php.ini-development /etc/php.ini

# Install pthreads
pecl install pthreads
echo "extension=pthreads.so" >> /etc/php.ini

# Check installation
php -m | grep pthreads
horica78 at yahoo dot com
5 years ago
They can still be used in web server if used with exec('php script.php') and php-cli.ini .
agnelvishal at gmail dot com
6 years ago
To compile PHP 7.2 with pthreads on Ubuntu 16.04 or Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian 9 Stretch, use this bash file at https://gist.github.com/agnelvishal/24f42c65af2f6cace1e9387617a0182a
and dot webdev at gmail dot com
8 years ago
Also, possible by phpbrew

1. phpbrew install php-5.5.30 -- --enable-maintainer-zts
2. phpbrew use php-5.5.30
3. phpbrew ext install pthreads 2.0.10


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