PHP - Manual: Unicode character classes
Sequence | Description |
\p{C} | Other. |
\p{Cc} | Other, control. |
\p{Cf} | Other, format. |
\p{Co} | Other, private use. |
\p{Cs} | Other, surrogate. |
\p{L} | Letter. |
\p{LC} | Letter, cased. |
\p{Ll} | Letter, lowercase. |
\p{Lm} | Letter, modifier. |
\p{Lo} | Letter, other. |
\p{Lt} | Letter, titlecase. |
\p{Lu} | Letter, uppercase. |
\p{M} | Mark. |
\p{Mc} | Mark, space combining. |
\p{Me} | Mark, enclosing. |
\p{Mn} | Mark, nonspacing. |
\p{N} | Number. |
\p{Nd} | Number, decimal digit. |
\p{Nl} | Number, letter. |
\p{No} | Number, other. |
\p{P} | Punctuation. |
\p{Pc} | Punctiation, connector. |
\p{Pd} | Punctuation, dash. |
\p{Pe} | Punctuation, close. |
\p{Pf} | Punctuation, final quote. |
\p{Pi} | Punctuation, initial quote. |
\p{Po} | Punctuation, other. |
\p{Ps} | Punctuation, open. |
\p{S} | Symbol. |
\p{Sc} | Symbol, currency. |
\p{Sk} | Symbol, modifier. |
\p{Sm} | Symbol, math. |
\p{So} | Symbol, other. |
\p{Z} | Separator. |
\p{Zl} | Separator, line. |
\p{Zp} | Separator, paragraph. |
\p{Zs} | Separator, space. |
These character clasess are only available, if the option --enable-parle-utf32 was passed at the compilation time.