PHP - Manual: 预定义常量
下列常量由此扩展定义,且仅在此扩展编译入 PHP 或在运行时动态载入时可用。
The following constants to use with maxdb_options() are defined. For further description of these constants see »
常量 | 说明 |
MAXDB_COMPNAME | The component name used to initialise the SQLDBC runtime environment. |
MAXDB_APPLICATION | The application to be connected to the database. |
MAXDB_APPVERSION | The version of the application. |
MAXDB_UNICODE | TRUE , if the connection is an unicode (UCS2) client or FALSE , if not. |
MAXDB_TIMEOUT | The maximum allowed time of inactivity after which the connection to the database is closed by the system. |
MAXDB_ISOLATIONLEVEL | Specifies whether and how shared locks and exclusive locks are implicitly requested or released. |
MAXDB_PACKETCOUNT | The number of different request packets used for the connection. |
MAXDB_STATEMENTCACHESIZE | The number of prepared statements to be cached for the connection for re-use. |
MAXDB_CURSORPREFIX | The prefix to use for result tables that are automatically named. |
The function maxdb_fetch_array() uses a constant for the different types of result arrays. The following constants are defined:
常量 | 说明 |
MAXDB_ASSOC | Columns are returned into the array having the fieldname as the array index. |
MAXDB_ASSOC_UPPER | Columns are returned into the array having the upper case fieldname as the array index. |
MAXDB_ASSOC_LOWER | Columns are returned into the array having the lower case fieldname as the array index. |
MAXDB_BOTH | Columns are returned into the array having both a numerical index and the fieldname as the array index. |
MAXDB_NUM | Columns are returned into the array having a numerical index to the fields. This index starts with 0, the first field in the result. |