PHP - Manual: Basic usage for LuaSandbox
Once you've compiled PHP with LuaSandbox support, you can begin using LuaSandbox to safely run user-provided Lua code.
示例 #1 Execute some Lua code
$sandbox = new LuaSandbox;
$sandbox->setMemoryLimit( 50 * 1024 * 1024 );
$sandbox->setCPULimit( 10 );
// Register some functions in the Lua environment
function frobnosticate( $v ) {
return [ $v + 42 ];
$sandbox->registerLibrary( 'php', [
'frobnosticate' => 'frobnosticate',
'output' => function ( $string ) {
echo "$string\n";
'error' => function () {
throw new LuaSandboxRuntimeError( "Something is wrong" );
] );
// Execute some Lua code, including callbacks into PHP and into Lua
$luaCode = <<<EOF
php.output( "Hello, world" );
return "Hi", function ( v )
return php.frobnosticate( v + 200 )
list( $hi, $frob ) = $sandbox->loadString( $luaCode )->call();
assert( $frob->call( 4000 ) === [ 4242 ] );
// PHP-thrown LuaSandboxRuntimeError exceptions can be caught inside Lua
list( $ok, $message ) = $sandbox->loadString( 'return pcall( php.error )' )->call();
assert( !$ok );
assert( $message === 'Something is wrong' );