there is still an open bug about using current() etc. with iterators
PHP - Manual: 遍历对象
PHP 提供了一种定义对象的方法使其可以通过单元列表来遍历,例如用 foreach 语句。默认情况下,所有可见属性都将被用于遍历。
示例 #1 简单的对象遍历
class MyClass
public $var1 = 'value 1';
public $var2 = 'value 2';
public $var3 = 'value 3';
protected $protected = 'protected var';
private $private = 'private var';
function iterateVisible() {
echo "MyClass::iterateVisible:\n";
foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
print "$key => $value\n";
$class = new MyClass();
foreach($class as $key => $value) {
print "$key => $value\n";
echo "\n";
var1 => value 1 var2 => value 2 var3 => value 3 MyClass::iterateVisible: var1 => value 1 var2 => value 2 var3 => value 3 protected => protected var private => private var
there is still an open bug about using current() etc. with iterators
By reading the posts below I wondered if it really is impossible to make an ArrayAccess implementation really behave like a true array ( by being multi level )
Seems like it's not impossible. Not very preety but usable
class ArrayAccessImpl implements ArrayAccess {
private $data = array();
public function offsetUnset($index) {}
public function offsetSet($index, $value) {
// echo ("SET: ".$index."<br>");
if(isset($data[$index])) {
$u = &$this->data[$index];
if(is_array($value)) {
$u = new ArrayAccessImpl();
foreach($value as $idx=>$e)
} else
public function offsetGet($index) {
// echo ("GET: ".$index."<br>");
$this->data[$index]=new ArrayAccessImpl();
return $this->data[$index];
public function offsetExists($index) {
// echo ("EXISTS: ".$index."<br>");
if(isset($this->data[$index])) {
if($this->data[$index] instanceof ArrayAccessImpl) {
return true;
return false;
} else
return true;
} else
return false;
echo "ArrayAccess implementation that behaves like a multi-level array<hr />";
$data = new ArrayAccessImpl();
$data['string']="Just a simple string";
$data['array']['some_object']=new stdClass();
$data['array']['another_array']['x']['y']="LOL @ Whoever said it can't be done !";
echo "'array' Isset? "; print_r(isset($data['array'])); echo "<hr />";
echo "<pre>"; print_r($data['array']['non_existent']); echo "</pre>If attempting to read an offset that doesn't exist it returns a blank object! Use isset() to check if it exists!<br>";
echo "'non_existent' Isset? "; print_r(isset($data['array']['non_existent'])); echo "<br />";
echo "<pre>"; print_r($data['blank_array']); echo "</pre>A blank array unfortunately returns similar results :(<br />";
echo "'blank_array' Isset? "; print_r(isset($data['blank_array'])); echo "<hr />";
echo "<pre>"; print_r($data); echo "</pre> (non_existent remains in the structure. If someone can help to solve this I'll appreciate it)<hr />";
echo "Display some value that exists: ".$data['array']['another_string'];
(in the two links mentioned below by artur at jedlinski... they say you can't use references, so I didn't used them.
My implementation uses recursive objects)
If anyone finds a better (cleaner) sollution, please e-mail me.
Use the SPL ArrayAccess interface to call an object as array:
Iterator interface usign key() next() rewind() is MORE slow than extends ArrayIterator with ArrayIterator::next(), ArrayIterator::rewind(), etc.,
The MyIterator::valid() method above ist bad, because it
breaks on entries with 0 or empty strings, use key() instead:
public function valid()
return ! is_null(key($this->var));
read about current() drawbacks:
To clarify on php at moechofe's post, you CAN use the SPL to overide the array operator for a class. This, with the new features of object, and autoloading (among a buch of other things) has me completely sold on PHP5. You can also find this information on the SPL portion of the manual, but I'll post it here as well so it isn't passed up. The below Collection class will let you use the class as an array, while also using the foreach iterator:
class Collection implements ArrayAccess,IteratorAggregate
public $objectArray = Array();
//**these are the required iterator functions
function offsetExists($offset)
if(isset($this->objectArray[$offset])) return TRUE;
else return FALSE;
function & offsetGet($offset)
if ($this->offsetExists($offset)) return $this->objectArray[$offset];
else return (false);
function offsetSet($offset, $value)
if ($offset) $this->objectArray[$offset] = $value;
else $this->objectArray[] = $value;
function offsetUnset($offset)
unset ($this->objectArray[$offset]);
function & getIterator()
return new ArrayIterator($this->objectArray);
//**end required iterator functions
public function doSomething()
echo "I'm doing something";
I LOVE the new SPL stuff in PHP! An example of usage is below:
class Contact
protected $name = NULL;
public function set_name($name)
$this->name = $name;
public function get_name()
return ($this->name);
$bob = new Collection();
$bob[] = new Contact();
$bob[5] = new Contact();
$bob[5]->set_name("a name of a guy");
foreach ($bob as $aContact)
echo $aContact->get_name() . "\r\n";
Would work just fine. This makes code so much simpler and easy to follow, it's great. This is exactly the direction I had hoped PHP5 was going!
Just something i noticed:
It seems, that when you are implementing the interface Iterator, yout method key() has to return a string or integer.
I was trying to return a object an got this error:
Illegal type returned from MyClass::key()
The example code given for valid() will break if the array contains a FALSE value. This code prints out a single "bool(true)" and exits the loop when it gets to the FALSE:
$A = array(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
while(current($A) !== FALSE) {
Instead, the key() function should be used, since it returns NULL only at the end of the array. This code displays all four elements and then exits:
$A = array(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
while(!is_null(key($A))) {
if you in a string define classes that implements IteratorAggregate.
you cant use the default;
public function getIterator() {
return new MyIterator(\\$this-><What ever>);
at least not if you want to use eval(<The string>).
You have to use:
public function getIterator() {
\\$arrayObj=new ArrayObject(\\$this-><What ever>);
return \\$arrayObj->getIterator();
The iterator template from knj at aider dot dk does not yield correct results.
If you do
echo current($a);
where $a is defined over the suggested template, then the first element will be output, not the second, as expected.
Beware of how works iterator in PHP if you come from Java!
In Java, iterator works like this :
interface Iterator<O> {
boolean hasNext();
O next();
void remove();
But in php, the interface is this (I kept the generics and type because it's easier to understand)
interface Iterator<O> {
boolean valid();
mixed key();
O current();
void next();
void previous();
void rewind();
1. valid() is more or less the equivalent of hasNext()
2. next() is not the equivalent of java next(). It returns nothing, while Java next() method return the next object, and move to next object in Collections. PHP's next() method will simply move forward.
Here is a sample with an array, first in java, then in php :
class ArrayIterator<O> implements Iterator<O> {
private final O[] array;
private int index = 0;
public ArrayIterator(O[] array) {
this.array = array;
public boolean hasNext() {
return index < array.length;
public O next() {
if ( !hasNext())
throw new NoSuchElementException('at end of array');
return array[index++];
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException('remove() not supported in array');
And here is the same in php (using the appropriate function) :
* Since the array is not mutable, it should use an internal
* index over the number of elements for the previous/next
* validation.
class ArrayIterator implements Iterator {
private $array;
public function __construct($array) {
if ( !is_array($array))
throw new IllegalArgumentException('argument 0 is not an array');
$this->array = array;
public function valid() {
return current($this->array) !== false;
// that's the bad method (should use arrays_keys, + index)
public function key() {
return key($this->array);
public function current() {
return current($this->array);
public function next() {
if ( $this->valid())
throw new NoSuchElementException('at end of array');
public function previous() {
// fails if current() = first item of array
public function rewind() {
The difference is notable : don't expect next() to return something like in Java, instead use current(). This also means that you have to prefetch your collection to set the current() object. For instance, if you try to make a Directory iterator (like the one provided by PECL), rewind should invoke next() to set the first element and so on. (and the constructor should call rewind())
Also, another difference :
class ArrayIterable<O> implements Iterable<O> {
private final O[] array;
public ArrayIterable(O[] array) {
this.array = array;
public Iterator<O> iterator() {
return new ArrayIterator(array);
When using an Iterable, in Java 1.5, you may do such loops :
for ( String s : new ArrayIterable<String>(new String[] {"a", "b"})) {
Which is the same as :
Iterator<String> it = new ArrayIterable<String>(new String[] {"a", "b"});
while (it.hasNext()) {
String s =;
While in PHP it's not the case :
foreach ( $iterator as $current ) {
Is the same as :
for ( $iterator->rewind(); $iterator->valid(); $iterator->next()) {
$current = $iterator->current();
(I think we may also use IteratorAggregate to do it like with Iterable).
Take that in mind if you come from Java.
I hope this explanation is not too long...
I've created a dinamic version of grzeniufication code to allow un-, serialize more than one property:
class Person implements \Serializable {
public $id;
public $name;
public $birthDate;
public $surname;
public function serialize() {
return serialize((array) $this);
public function unserialize($serialized): void {
foreach (unserialize($serialized) as $p => $v) {
$this->{$p} = $v;
Please remember that actually the only PHP iterating structure that uses Iterator is foreach().
Any each() or list() applied to an Object implementing iterator will not provide the expected result
One should be aware that ArrayAccess functionality described by "just_somedood at yahoo dot com" below is currently broken and thus it's pretty unusable.
Read following links to find more:
You should be prepared for your iterator's current method to be called before its next method is ever called. This certainly happens in a foreach loop. If your means of finding the next item is expensive you might want to use something like this
private $item;
function next() {
$this->item = &$this->getNextItem();
return $this->item;
public function current() {
if(!isset($this->item)) $this->next();
return $this->item;
If you want to do someting like this:
foreach($MyObject as $key => &$value)
$value = 'new '.$value;
you must return values by reference in your iterator object:
class MyObject implements Iterator
/* ...... other iterator functions ...... */
/* return by reference */
public function ¤t()
return $something;
This won't change values:
foreach($MyObject as $key => $value)
$value = 'new '.$value;
This will change values:
foreach($MyObject as $key => &$value)
$value = 'new '.$value;
I think this should be written somewhere in the documentations, but I couldn't find it.
Please note that if you implement your iterator this way instead of with an IteratorAggregate you can not nest foreach-loops. This is because when the inner-loop is done the cursor is beyond the last element, then the outer-loop asks for the next element and finds the cursor beyond the last element as the innter-loop left it there.
// Wont work!
foreach($collection as $a) {
foreach($collection as $b) {