PHP - Manual: 安装
此 » PECL 扩展未与 PHP 捆绑。 安装此 PECL 扩展相关的信息可在手册中标题为 PECL 扩展的安装章节中找到。更多信息如新的发行版本、下载、源文件、 维护人员信息及变更日志等,都在此处: »
You can download the DLL for this PECL extension from »
To have these functions available, you must » download and compile this extension, enabling Ingres support using the --with-ingres[=DIR] option, where DIR is the Ingres base directory. If the II_SYSTEM environment variable is not set correctly you may need to use --with-ingres=DIR to specify your Ingres installation directory.
PHP code written for version 2.x and later is not backward-compatible with earlier versions of this PHP extension. However, it is possible to run two incompatible releases within the same PHP environment using the --enable-ingres2 option. This configuration option renames the extension to ingres2, changing function names, configuration settings, and constants. For example, with this option enabled, ingres_connect() becomes ingres2_connect().
To use this extension the system environment variable II_SYSTEM must be defined. Linux and UNIX users will also need to define the shared library search path, for example, LD_LIBRARY_PATH. When used with the Apache web server these variables must be set explicitly in the startup script for Apache. In addition, the PassEnv directive is required for the Ingres extension to load the correct shared libraries. For example:
Example #1 Example usage of PassEnv for Ingres
<IfModule mod_env.c> PassEnv II_SYSTEM PassEnv LD_LIBRARY_PATH </IfModule>
For example configurations for different web servers and operating systems see »