filepro() is apparently expecting the map file to be lowercase (at least on UNIX-like systems).
PHP - Manual: filepro
(PHP 4, PHP 5 < 5.2.0, PHP 7)
filepro — Read and verify the map file
) : boolThis reads and verifies the map file, storing the field count and info.
No locking is done, so you should avoid modifying your filePro database while it may be opened in PHP.
Note: 当启用 安全模式时, PHP 会检查被操作的文件或目录是否与被执行的脚本有相同的 UID(所有者)。
The map directory.
成功时返回 TRUE
, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE
filepro() is apparently expecting the map file to be lowercase (at least on UNIX-like systems).
Two notes here:
1) PHP does not need a running copy of filepro to read the datafiles. Just provide it with a directory containing the map file, key file, and the data* file(s) for the table you want to read. Screen files, outfiles, and process files are not used.
2) This function seems to pass back the system error code in brackets [] along with the PHP warning. A list of error codes can be found in your filepro manual's appendix.