This extension was last updated for PHP 7.1 three years ago.
As of this date, it has not been released for PHP 7.2 or PHP 7.3. In other words, it's not actively maintained.
PHP - Manual: Solr
This extension was last updated for PHP 7.1 three years ago.
As of this date, it has not been released for PHP 7.2 or PHP 7.3. In other words, it's not actively maintained.
you have to use SolrQuery::addFilterQuery() instead of SolrQuery::addFacetQuery() which is intended for another goal.
SolrQuery::addFilterQuery() : fq
SolrQuery::addFacetQuery() : facet.query
Corentin Larose - CTO@QAPA
solr_get_version(): 1.0.1
I had problems trying to pass facet queries(fq not facet.query) using this extension.
So I made a work around by extending the SolrQuery class and adding a new method for fq.
class SolrQuery2 extends SolrQuery{
public function addFQ($facetQuery){
$this->addParam('fq', $facetQuery);